Comparing both movies above, Alice In Wonderland gets my vote as a better movie because he really did try hard. It's Complicated tried hard too but Tim put in more. But I did enjoy Something's Gotta Give. f there is time, there will be another part talking about How To Train Your Dragon and The Green Zone. So until next time,k remember H-wood gives us more than what we paid for, choose your movies wisely and as always, Long Live Good Movies!
What's up good movie lovers?
Movie is very important in our history. The future is in doubt because right now, some movies are considered sh** movies because they are trying to steal the public's money. Just for money, they simply do a movie. But no fear, The Movie Preview Critic will critic movies that are yet to be released on the big screen. The Movie Preview Critic will tell you everything about the movies and make sure you don't waste your time, money and energy.
Movies This Week 14/7
- Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1 W M 7th
- The Other Guys W RP 1st
- Skyline W M 10th
- Altitude UW RW 11th
- Let Me In W M 8th
- You Again! UW DG 13th
- Megamind W RP 3rd
- Life As We Know it UW EFTV 12th
- Unstoppable W M 4th
- Red W M 6th
- Takers W M 9th
- Tangled W M COMING SOON! 5th
- Next Three Days W RP COMING SOON! 2nd
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
What Will These Movies Do? 4/4 Part 1 (New Segment Online Only)
Hello there, this is a new segment that I'm typing online only. This week's movies are It's Complicated, Alice In Wonderland, How To Train Your Dragon, The Green Zone, The Lovely Bones, Clash Of The Titans and Daybreakers. I won't talk about the Coming Soon updates so Iron Man 2 and Date Night have to wait for their turn. First off, It's Complicated. I didn't really know about this movie until it was nominated for a few Golden
Globes for Best Motion Picture- Comedy Or Musical, Best Performance By An Actress In A Leading Role- Comedy Or Musical and Best Screen... w-h-a-t...?! It was nominated for Best Screenplay? Really? There were no other choices? Then how come the Oscar nominees for Best Original Screenplay were The Hurt Locker, Inglourious Basterds, The Messenger, Up and A Serious Man and no It's Complicated, how ironic... But after all, the Oscars and Golden Globes can't agree on anything... Anyway, with a budget of $ 85 million for I-don't-know-what-they-use-it-for-unless-they-spent-$60 million ($ 20 million each)- on-the-three-main-actors-and-another-$ 25 million-for-other-actors-and-other-crew-members. Firstly, I'm not an accountant so if you say you're gonna use $ 85 million to make a romantic comedy. First off, you gotta be f***ing out of your mind. Secondly, no one uses that much money to make a romantic movie, comedy or drama, just ask Twi..., um... can't think of an example right now but um... there definitely is... Anyway, it earned $ 215 million worldwide. I'm shocked here because a movie that makes that much is usually a kid's movie. Think about it, it earned close to Alvin & The Chipmunks. How did this movie earn that much...? Did you watch it? Did you like it? Why did you watch it? Someone forced you to watch? Or were you curious to see how this movie end up...? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. Next up,
Alice In Wonderland. This movie had received a lot of buzz for good and bad reasons. On the plus side, the performances are good, the visuals are stunning and the story is beautifully crafted. On the down side though, it's hard to imagine that a movie by Tim Burton that has Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Sheen, Anne Hathaway, Crispin Glover, Christopher Lee, Matt Lucas, Alan Rickman and Stephen Fry will be mediocre. It seems like a repeat of Planet Of The Apes or Mars Attacks! After all, it's still a good effort and M is not enough. It still has it's RP tittle. Some of the comments even said that Tim Burton played it safe... Really? Doesn't sound like him... If his movies were bad, you could still see the effort he put in but all the comments were not good, snooze fest, boring. Well, Tim, I'm on your side. Next, it has grossed $ 673 million worldwide. Wow! I'm pretty impressed, which shows that 3-D movies still can have heart and soul. It's budget was $ 200 million but that's how much you need to spend if you want good effects. So, it's worth it.
Comparing both movies above, Alice In Wonderland gets my vote as a better movie because he really did try hard. It's Complicated tried hard too but Tim put in more. But I did enjoy Something's Gotta Give. f there is time, there will be another part talking about How To Train Your Dragon and The Green Zone. So until next time,k remember H-wood gives us more than what we paid for, choose your movies wisely and as always, Long Live Good Movies!
Comparing both movies above, Alice In Wonderland gets my vote as a better movie because he really did try hard. It's Complicated tried hard too but Tim put in more. But I did enjoy Something's Gotta Give. f there is time, there will be another part talking about How To Train Your Dragon and The Green Zone. So until next time,k remember H-wood gives us more than what we paid for, choose your movies wisely and as always, Long Live Good Movies!
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1. W- Worthy (MS, RP, M, DT)
Worthy Of Big Screen Viewing. Good use of time energy and money. (exp. The Matrix)
2. UW- Unworthy (BW, RW, DW, EFTV, DG, SM)
Unworthy Of big screen viewing. Waste of time, energy and money. (Sex & The City)
3. MS- Midnight Show
Watch it the minute it reaches the big screen. Watch it at regular price. (The Dark Knight)
4. RP- Regular Price
Watch it at RM 10. It's worth it. (Matrix)
5. M- Matinee
Worth going to the theater, but watch it at half price. (21)
6. WFF- Watch For Free
Whether you win contests, passes or able to watch this movie for free because it's special. Worth watching but not so good. (Jonas Brothers In 3-D)
7. Buy Worthy
Buy it on DVD. Slightly better than Rental Worthy. (High School Musical 3: Senior Year)
8. RW- Rental Worthy
Worthy of just going to a store renting it. You're in control of the movie. (Space Chimps)
9. DW- Download Worthy
Worthy of only downloading on the computer. (Fast & Furious)
10. EFTV- Edited For T.V.
Wait for it to come to the small screen since it's not worthy of big screen viewing. (12 Rounds)
11. DG- Drinking Game
When there's a television in a bar. Just take a glance and look away. If you need to watch it, you need alcohol or play a bet game. (Meet Dave)
12. SM- Save Money
Save your money, don't have anything to do with the movie. (Disaster Movie)
13. PT- Popcorn Trick
Eat somepopcorn to help you through a movie, good or bad. It will make you feel good. (Rouge Crocodile)
14. HF- Hottie Factor
You only want to watch it because of the "hotties". (Into The Blue)
15. KC- Ka-Ching
The movie is made just for the money. Doin' It For The Money. (The Da Vinci Code)
16. S&M- Sadomasochistic
If you are going to see it, you are punishing yourself. If you are sitting through it, you are torturing yourself. If you enjoy it, you need brain surgery. (Shaggy Dog)
17. UR- Unnecessary Remake
We don't need a remake of this movie because the original sucked or the remake isn't going to be better than the original. (Poseidon)
18. TB- Trippin' Balls
It had or has all the right elements. But then, it lost it. So why watch it if there's no special or good elements?! Think this movie will earn big bucks at the box office? NOT!!! (Norbit)
19. P&C- Predictable & Cliche
You already know what is going to happend and it's like something we've seen before. (Stay Alive)
20. GTFOH- Get The F*** Outta Here
Story makes no sense and it is obvious it will be a sucking sh** movie. The message sent through to the audience is to walk out of the theaters. The producers are asking them to leave. Did the producers thought that people were actually going to see this? F*** them. (Garfield 2: Tale Of 2 Kitties)
21. TAT- Twist After Twist
After a twist in the story, there is another one. (National Treasure)
22. WON- Want Oscar Nominations
Tries everything to attract the Oscars to get wins or nominations. (The Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Rings)
23. SFE- Something For Everyone
It is for everyone, all races, religions and ages. (Finding Nemo)
24. SOF- Same Old Funny
Yes, it's funny but it's the same jokes we are still laughing at. (Norbit)
25. USNLM- Unofficial Saturday Night Live Movie
An actor from Saturday Night Live acting in a movie that will be like the sketches from the show but extended to 90 minutes. (Benchwarmers)
26. GP- Guilty Pleasure
It will be an okay movie but it will be fun to watch it again and again. (Josie & The Pussycats)
27. PB- Pushes Boundaries
Wants to stand out and push the other movies down. (Definitely, Maybe)
28. NET- Not Even Trying
Just making a movie. Don't care if it sucks. Not good enough to be watched. It's not even trying to be a good movie. (The Hottie & The Nottie)
29. NTD- Not That Different
Just copying from other better and bigger movies. Totally unoriginal. (Doomsday)
30. KNP- Kids Nag Parents
Kids will be good just for their parents to take them there. (Wall-E)
31. YKWYG- You Know What You're Getting
It will be predictable but too predictable to be watchable. You are sure that this movie will only provide the genre that you are looking forward too. So, it's a good safe movie. If it's bad, then it really sucks because it's predictable! (Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby)
32. TLTL- Too Little Too Late
It's been many years since we liked the genre or waiting for a sequel. We don't care, we've moved on. (Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull)
33. SOS- Same Old Sh**
Same as other movies and make you want to go to sleep. Almost like NTD. (Garfield 2: The Tale Of 2 Kitties)
34. CLS- Career Life Support
Makes a movie once or twice a year to stay in touch with the public or trying to revive their failing career.
35. CPA- Cell Phone Action
It's all about call phones, hot girls, action and f***ing (Cellular)
36. NB- No Balls
This movie has a chance to be different but is quiet mum or a movie without any right elements. (Keeping Mum)
37. FRA- Franchise Rejuvenation Attempt
The previous series were f***ing sh**. So now, they're starting all over again or because they want to start a new franchise. (Batman Begins)
38. SMNS- Story Makes No Sense
it's not a fantasy or cartoon or talking animals but the story still makes no sense. (Even some cartoon's story still makes sense) (Little Man)
39. PTI- Power To Inspire
PTI movies will make you inspired. It makes you want to follow your dream. (Coach Carter)
40. SI- Stimulates Imagination
Makes you imagine and think. Gives you ideas and backgrounds to improve your imagination. (Journey To The Center Of The Earth)
41. PAT- Playing Against Type
You can't imagine them playing this kind of roles but they do. However, they still make you say "WOW!" (Hancock)
42. FM- Family Movie
You shouldn't watch this alone, you should watch it with your family. It brings families closer. (The Last Mimzy)
43. HFSTLA- Holy F***ing Sh** That Looks Awesome
You want to watch it because you love movies that look cool. They will appeal to your excitement no matter the genre. (The Matrix: Reloaded)
44. BSVOTVS- Big Screen Version Of a T.V. Show
The movie is just made because it's from a popular T.V. show. It could be because of fan demands or quick cash. (The Transformers)
45. HYC- Hopes You'll Care
Makes this movie for you to think about the world's issues. (An Inconvenient Truth)
46. BSVOL&O- Big Screen Version Of Law & Order
Law & Order makes it to the big screen.. Just change the names of the characters, the title and actors and the producers say: "Tada, a movie! A sh** movie!" (Perfect Stranger)
47. TEIGS- Twist Ending Is Gonna Stink
There is going to be a twist at the end. But, the twist ending is gonna suck because it's not needed or wanted. (Slow Burn)
48. SBIG- So Bad It's Good
The movie is going to be bad but you wan't to watch it because you want to see it fall. (Outlander)
49. NAGFDM- Not A Good First Date Movie
Not good for a first date movie. Your date will think you have a bad choice for movies or you are a pervert. (Land Of Women)
50. Y- Youthified
The movie is made or remade for the younger audience to earn more money. (Disturbia)
51. HML- Heist Movie Lover
You are going to watch it because you like to see a gang of criminals stealing things. (Ocean's 13)
52. SL- Spy Lover
You are going to watch it because you like spies. (Undercover Brother)
53. PDL- Poofy Dress Lover
You are going to watch it because you like the olden times where they wear poofy dresses. (Shakespeare In Love)
54. C&RL- Cops & Robbers Lover
You are going to watch it because you like cops and robbers with car chasing and drama. (Departed)
55. RL- Romantic Lover
You are going to watch it because you like romantic movies. (Romeo & Juliet)
56. RCL- Romantic Comedy Lover
You are going to watch it because you like romantic comedy movies. (Made Of Honour)
57. DOCL- Documentary Lover
You are going to watch it because you like documentaries. (The 11th Hour)
58. DL- Drama Lover
You are going to watch it because you like dramas. (Titanic)
59. CL- Comedy Lover
You are going to watch it because you like comedies. (Scary Movie 4)
60. HL- Horror Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movie's that are scary and frightening. (Midnight Meat Train)
61. WW2L- World War 2 Lover
You are going to watch it because it's about World War 2. (Saving Private Ryan)
62. CAL- Computer Animated Lover
You are going to watch it because it's showing computer animated characters. (The Incredibles)
63. PTL- Psychotical Thriller Lover
You are going to watch it because it's a psychotical thriller. (Psycho)
64. SF- Story Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the story. (Brokeback Mountain)
65. AF- Actor Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the actors in the movie. (Evening)
66. SFL- Science-Fiction Lover
You are going to watch it because you like sci-fi movies. (The Transformers)
67. JHL- J-Horror Lover
You are going to watch it because you like J-Horror movies. (The Grudge 2)
68. ML- Magic Lover
You are going to watch it because you like magical things. (The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian)
69. PL- Political Lover
You are going to watch it because you like politics. (Man Of The Year)
70. CAAL- Computer Animated Animal Lover
You are going to watch it because it has computer animated animals. (Finding Nemo)
71. FL- Fantasy Lover
You are going to watch it because you like fantasies. (Final Fantasy)
72. CBAL- Comic Book Adaptation Lover
You are going to watch it because you like comic book adaptations. (Spiderman 2)
73. BOATSL- Based On A True Story Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movies based on true stories. (21)
74. HF- Horse Factor
You are going to watch it because you like horses. (Flicka)
75. DF- Director Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the director. (X-Men 3: The Last Stand)
76. C- Cutesiness
You will hear the audience go "Awwwwww..." (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
77. BAL- Book Adaptation Lover
You are going to watch it because it's adapted from a good book. (Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire)
78. OAF- Old Actors Factors
You are going to watch it because you like old but talented actors. (The Bucket List)
79. O- Original
It's an original idea. It doesn't copy other movie's ideas. (Be Kind Rewind)
80. WF- Writer Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the screenplay writer for the movie. (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
81. VF- Villain Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the villain of the movie. (The Dark Knight)
82. SCL- Scenery Lover
You are going to watch it because you like the nice sceneries. (The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring)
83. MF- Monster Factor
You are going to watch it because you like monsters. (King Kong)
84. NL- Narration Lover
You are going to watch it because you like narrations. (The Princess Diaries)
85. NF- Narrator Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the narrator is a big star with a voice you want to hear. (Nascars)
86. OWB- Owh, My Balls
You are going to feel pain watching people get hurt or going through dangerous obstacles or stunts. (Jackass)
87. DESL- Designer Lover
You are going to watch it because you want to see the stars wearing glamarous clothing. (Sex & The City)
88.USL- Urban Setting Lover
You are going to watch it because you like urban settings. (Get Rich Or Die Tryin')
89. MUSL- Musical Lover
You are going to watch it because you like musicals. (High School Musical 3: Senior Year)
90. CF- Cartoon Factor
You are going to watch it because you like cartoons. (An American Tale)
91. RL- Religious Lover
You are going to watch it because you like religious films or it's a film about your religion. (The Passion Of The Christ)
92. OF- Oscar Factor
You are going to watch it because you want to watch a movie that will be receiving Oscar attention. (The Green Mile)
93. HEL- Hero Lover
You want to watch it because you like heroes. (Spiderman)
94. SUPF- Supernatural Factor
You wan't to watch it because you like the supernatural. (Constantine)
95. FKO- For Kids Only
It's a movie made for or more suitable for school kids. (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
96. WL- Wizard Lover
You are going to watch it because you like witchcrafts. (Harry Potter & The Socerer's Stone)
97. CARL- Car Lover
You are going to watch it because you like speeding, racing cars. (2 Fast 2 Furious)
98. COMAL- Comic Adaptation Lover
You are going to watch it because you like comic adaptations. (Garfield)
99. FL- Food Lover
You are going to watch it because there's gonna be food or chefs. (Bella)
100. OTL- Olden Times Lover
You are going to watch it because you like the past no mather how long ago. (Apocalypto)
101. OL- Office Lover
You are going to watch it because it is set in an office or in work. (Employee Of The Month)
102. SMF- Sports Movie Factor
You are going to watch it because you like movies with sports involved. (Invincible)
103. PAL- Post Apocalyptic Lover
You are going to watch it because you like animals. (The Animal)
104. GNO- Girls Night Out
It's a movie suited or more suitable for girls. (Material Girls)
105. BROM- BROmance
It's a movie suited or more suitable for guys. (Four Brothers)
106. SCL- School Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movies that have connection with school or education. (Accepted)
107. LL- Looks Lover
You are going to watch it because you want to see good looking actors and actresses. (Stardust)
108. IL- Insects Lover
You are going to watch it because you like creepy-crawly insects. (A Bug's Life)
109. MV- Moral Value
You will a leason or two from the movie because there's a moral value. (Camp Rock)
110. FML- Festival Movie Lover
You are going to watch it because it has something to do with festivals. (Halloween)
111. AR- Asian Roots
The movie has connection or stays in contact with Asia, (Dance Of The Dragon)
112. I- Iconic
It will be remembered for years to come because the character(s) are iconic (Shrek)
113. RML- Remake Lover
You are going to watch it because you like remakes. (Yours, Mine & Ours)
114. OWL- Ocean Water Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movies that do with the ocean. (Into The Blue)
115. POAT- Part Of A Trilogy
The movie is well, part of a trilogy. (The Transformers)
116. MPTC- More Parts To Come
There are more sequels or prequels to come after the movie. (Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers)
117. ADVL- Adventure Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movies that have adventrous stories. (Inkheart)
118. 3-DL- 3-D Lover
You are going to watch it because you like 3-D movies. (Journey To The Center Of The Earth)
119. SML- Slasher Movie Lover
You are going to watch it because you like to see slashing killers attack and kill lives. (Friday The 13th)
120. DMDL- Dramedy Lover
You are going to watch it because it will make you laugh but it's also a dramedy. (Soul Men)
121. EOAF- End Of A Franchise
It's the last part of a franchise. So audiences will pay to watch the ending of their favorite franchises, hoping it would be a big finale. The chance of another part are slim. (Terminator: Salvation)
122. SEL- Special Effects Lover
You are going to watch it because you like special effects and cool stunts and scenes. (Spiderman)
123. US- Unsure
The movie is confusing because the rating of the movie is not really confirmed. (Mamma Mia!)
124. SOAGMF- Sign Of A Good Movie Future
This movie will assure our movie future is safe and that there's nothing to worry about. (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
125. IADW- It's A Descent Watch
This movie won't be spectacular but it's still a descent watch a.k.a. watchable. (Push)
126. SOTMP- Sign Of The MoviePocalypse
This movie is an example of movies destroying our movie future. (Disaster Movie)
127. FTF- For The Fans
The movie is purely reserved for the fans of the stars in the film. (Michael Jackson's This Is It)
128. OIABM- Once In A Blue Moon
There are very seldom movies like this. Therefore, it should deserve a watch for such a rare kinds of movie. (Michael Jackson's This Is It)
129. OCFD- Obessesive Compulsive Franchise Disorder)
You must watch every single installment of the series to feel right. (The Dark Knight)
130. U- Unmemorable
This movie won't be remembered for it's goodness or badness. It will be forgotten by everybody in a few years time. (Ninja)
Worthy Of Big Screen Viewing. Good use of time energy and money. (exp. The Matrix)
2. UW- Unworthy (BW, RW, DW, EFTV, DG, SM)
Unworthy Of big screen viewing. Waste of time, energy and money. (Sex & The City)
3. MS- Midnight Show
Watch it the minute it reaches the big screen. Watch it at regular price. (The Dark Knight)
4. RP- Regular Price
Watch it at RM 10. It's worth it. (Matrix)
5. M- Matinee
Worth going to the theater, but watch it at half price. (21)
6. WFF- Watch For Free
Whether you win contests, passes or able to watch this movie for free because it's special. Worth watching but not so good. (Jonas Brothers In 3-D)
7. Buy Worthy
Buy it on DVD. Slightly better than Rental Worthy. (High School Musical 3: Senior Year)
8. RW- Rental Worthy
Worthy of just going to a store renting it. You're in control of the movie. (Space Chimps)
9. DW- Download Worthy
Worthy of only downloading on the computer. (Fast & Furious)
10. EFTV- Edited For T.V.
Wait for it to come to the small screen since it's not worthy of big screen viewing. (12 Rounds)
11. DG- Drinking Game
When there's a television in a bar. Just take a glance and look away. If you need to watch it, you need alcohol or play a bet game. (Meet Dave)
12. SM- Save Money
Save your money, don't have anything to do with the movie. (Disaster Movie)
13. PT- Popcorn Trick
Eat somepopcorn to help you through a movie, good or bad. It will make you feel good. (Rouge Crocodile)
14. HF- Hottie Factor
You only want to watch it because of the "hotties". (Into The Blue)
15. KC- Ka-Ching
The movie is made just for the money. Doin' It For The Money. (The Da Vinci Code)
16. S&M- Sadomasochistic
If you are going to see it, you are punishing yourself. If you are sitting through it, you are torturing yourself. If you enjoy it, you need brain surgery. (Shaggy Dog)
17. UR- Unnecessary Remake
We don't need a remake of this movie because the original sucked or the remake isn't going to be better than the original. (Poseidon)
18. TB- Trippin' Balls
It had or has all the right elements. But then, it lost it. So why watch it if there's no special or good elements?! Think this movie will earn big bucks at the box office? NOT!!! (Norbit)
19. P&C- Predictable & Cliche
You already know what is going to happend and it's like something we've seen before. (Stay Alive)
20. GTFOH- Get The F*** Outta Here
Story makes no sense and it is obvious it will be a sucking sh** movie. The message sent through to the audience is to walk out of the theaters. The producers are asking them to leave. Did the producers thought that people were actually going to see this? F*** them. (Garfield 2: Tale Of 2 Kitties)
21. TAT- Twist After Twist
After a twist in the story, there is another one. (National Treasure)
22. WON- Want Oscar Nominations
Tries everything to attract the Oscars to get wins or nominations. (The Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Rings)
23. SFE- Something For Everyone
It is for everyone, all races, religions and ages. (Finding Nemo)
24. SOF- Same Old Funny
Yes, it's funny but it's the same jokes we are still laughing at. (Norbit)
25. USNLM- Unofficial Saturday Night Live Movie
An actor from Saturday Night Live acting in a movie that will be like the sketches from the show but extended to 90 minutes. (Benchwarmers)
26. GP- Guilty Pleasure
It will be an okay movie but it will be fun to watch it again and again. (Josie & The Pussycats)
27. PB- Pushes Boundaries
Wants to stand out and push the other movies down. (Definitely, Maybe)
28. NET- Not Even Trying
Just making a movie. Don't care if it sucks. Not good enough to be watched. It's not even trying to be a good movie. (The Hottie & The Nottie)
29. NTD- Not That Different
Just copying from other better and bigger movies. Totally unoriginal. (Doomsday)
30. KNP- Kids Nag Parents
Kids will be good just for their parents to take them there. (Wall-E)
31. YKWYG- You Know What You're Getting
It will be predictable but too predictable to be watchable. You are sure that this movie will only provide the genre that you are looking forward too. So, it's a good safe movie. If it's bad, then it really sucks because it's predictable! (Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby)
32. TLTL- Too Little Too Late
It's been many years since we liked the genre or waiting for a sequel. We don't care, we've moved on. (Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull)
33. SOS- Same Old Sh**
Same as other movies and make you want to go to sleep. Almost like NTD. (Garfield 2: The Tale Of 2 Kitties)
34. CLS- Career Life Support
Makes a movie once or twice a year to stay in touch with the public or trying to revive their failing career.
35. CPA- Cell Phone Action
It's all about call phones, hot girls, action and f***ing (Cellular)
36. NB- No Balls
This movie has a chance to be different but is quiet mum or a movie without any right elements. (Keeping Mum)
37. FRA- Franchise Rejuvenation Attempt
The previous series were f***ing sh**. So now, they're starting all over again or because they want to start a new franchise. (Batman Begins)
38. SMNS- Story Makes No Sense
it's not a fantasy or cartoon or talking animals but the story still makes no sense. (Even some cartoon's story still makes sense) (Little Man)
39. PTI- Power To Inspire
PTI movies will make you inspired. It makes you want to follow your dream. (Coach Carter)
40. SI- Stimulates Imagination
Makes you imagine and think. Gives you ideas and backgrounds to improve your imagination. (Journey To The Center Of The Earth)
41. PAT- Playing Against Type
You can't imagine them playing this kind of roles but they do. However, they still make you say "WOW!" (Hancock)
42. FM- Family Movie
You shouldn't watch this alone, you should watch it with your family. It brings families closer. (The Last Mimzy)
43. HFSTLA- Holy F***ing Sh** That Looks Awesome
You want to watch it because you love movies that look cool. They will appeal to your excitement no matter the genre. (The Matrix: Reloaded)
44. BSVOTVS- Big Screen Version Of a T.V. Show
The movie is just made because it's from a popular T.V. show. It could be because of fan demands or quick cash. (The Transformers)
45. HYC- Hopes You'll Care
Makes this movie for you to think about the world's issues. (An Inconvenient Truth)
46. BSVOL&O- Big Screen Version Of Law & Order
Law & Order makes it to the big screen.. Just change the names of the characters, the title and actors and the producers say: "Tada, a movie! A sh** movie!" (Perfect Stranger)
47. TEIGS- Twist Ending Is Gonna Stink
There is going to be a twist at the end. But, the twist ending is gonna suck because it's not needed or wanted. (Slow Burn)
48. SBIG- So Bad It's Good
The movie is going to be bad but you wan't to watch it because you want to see it fall. (Outlander)
49. NAGFDM- Not A Good First Date Movie
Not good for a first date movie. Your date will think you have a bad choice for movies or you are a pervert. (Land Of Women)
50. Y- Youthified
The movie is made or remade for the younger audience to earn more money. (Disturbia)
51. HML- Heist Movie Lover
You are going to watch it because you like to see a gang of criminals stealing things. (Ocean's 13)
52. SL- Spy Lover
You are going to watch it because you like spies. (Undercover Brother)
53. PDL- Poofy Dress Lover
You are going to watch it because you like the olden times where they wear poofy dresses. (Shakespeare In Love)
54. C&RL- Cops & Robbers Lover
You are going to watch it because you like cops and robbers with car chasing and drama. (Departed)
55. RL- Romantic Lover
You are going to watch it because you like romantic movies. (Romeo & Juliet)
56. RCL- Romantic Comedy Lover
You are going to watch it because you like romantic comedy movies. (Made Of Honour)
57. DOCL- Documentary Lover
You are going to watch it because you like documentaries. (The 11th Hour)
58. DL- Drama Lover
You are going to watch it because you like dramas. (Titanic)
59. CL- Comedy Lover
You are going to watch it because you like comedies. (Scary Movie 4)
60. HL- Horror Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movie's that are scary and frightening. (Midnight Meat Train)
61. WW2L- World War 2 Lover
You are going to watch it because it's about World War 2. (Saving Private Ryan)
62. CAL- Computer Animated Lover
You are going to watch it because it's showing computer animated characters. (The Incredibles)
63. PTL- Psychotical Thriller Lover
You are going to watch it because it's a psychotical thriller. (Psycho)
64. SF- Story Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the story. (Brokeback Mountain)
65. AF- Actor Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the actors in the movie. (Evening)
66. SFL- Science-Fiction Lover
You are going to watch it because you like sci-fi movies. (The Transformers)
67. JHL- J-Horror Lover
You are going to watch it because you like J-Horror movies. (The Grudge 2)
68. ML- Magic Lover
You are going to watch it because you like magical things. (The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian)
69. PL- Political Lover
You are going to watch it because you like politics. (Man Of The Year)
70. CAAL- Computer Animated Animal Lover
You are going to watch it because it has computer animated animals. (Finding Nemo)
71. FL- Fantasy Lover
You are going to watch it because you like fantasies. (Final Fantasy)
72. CBAL- Comic Book Adaptation Lover
You are going to watch it because you like comic book adaptations. (Spiderman 2)
73. BOATSL- Based On A True Story Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movies based on true stories. (21)
74. HF- Horse Factor
You are going to watch it because you like horses. (Flicka)
75. DF- Director Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the director. (X-Men 3: The Last Stand)
76. C- Cutesiness
You will hear the audience go "Awwwwww..." (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
77. BAL- Book Adaptation Lover
You are going to watch it because it's adapted from a good book. (Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire)
78. OAF- Old Actors Factors
You are going to watch it because you like old but talented actors. (The Bucket List)
79. O- Original
It's an original idea. It doesn't copy other movie's ideas. (Be Kind Rewind)
80. WF- Writer Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the screenplay writer for the movie. (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
81. VF- Villain Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the villain of the movie. (The Dark Knight)
82. SCL- Scenery Lover
You are going to watch it because you like the nice sceneries. (The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring)
83. MF- Monster Factor
You are going to watch it because you like monsters. (King Kong)
84. NL- Narration Lover
You are going to watch it because you like narrations. (The Princess Diaries)
85. NF- Narrator Factor
You are going to watch it because you like the narrator is a big star with a voice you want to hear. (Nascars)
86. OWB- Owh, My Balls
You are going to feel pain watching people get hurt or going through dangerous obstacles or stunts. (Jackass)
87. DESL- Designer Lover
You are going to watch it because you want to see the stars wearing glamarous clothing. (Sex & The City)
88.USL- Urban Setting Lover
You are going to watch it because you like urban settings. (Get Rich Or Die Tryin')
89. MUSL- Musical Lover
You are going to watch it because you like musicals. (High School Musical 3: Senior Year)
90. CF- Cartoon Factor
You are going to watch it because you like cartoons. (An American Tale)
91. RL- Religious Lover
You are going to watch it because you like religious films or it's a film about your religion. (The Passion Of The Christ)
92. OF- Oscar Factor
You are going to watch it because you want to watch a movie that will be receiving Oscar attention. (The Green Mile)
93. HEL- Hero Lover
You want to watch it because you like heroes. (Spiderman)
94. SUPF- Supernatural Factor
You wan't to watch it because you like the supernatural. (Constantine)
95. FKO- For Kids Only
It's a movie made for or more suitable for school kids. (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
96. WL- Wizard Lover
You are going to watch it because you like witchcrafts. (Harry Potter & The Socerer's Stone)
97. CARL- Car Lover
You are going to watch it because you like speeding, racing cars. (2 Fast 2 Furious)
98. COMAL- Comic Adaptation Lover
You are going to watch it because you like comic adaptations. (Garfield)
99. FL- Food Lover
You are going to watch it because there's gonna be food or chefs. (Bella)
100. OTL- Olden Times Lover
You are going to watch it because you like the past no mather how long ago. (Apocalypto)
101. OL- Office Lover
You are going to watch it because it is set in an office or in work. (Employee Of The Month)
102. SMF- Sports Movie Factor
You are going to watch it because you like movies with sports involved. (Invincible)
103. PAL- Post Apocalyptic Lover
You are going to watch it because you like animals. (The Animal)
104. GNO- Girls Night Out
It's a movie suited or more suitable for girls. (Material Girls)
105. BROM- BROmance
It's a movie suited or more suitable for guys. (Four Brothers)
106. SCL- School Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movies that have connection with school or education. (Accepted)
107. LL- Looks Lover
You are going to watch it because you want to see good looking actors and actresses. (Stardust)
108. IL- Insects Lover
You are going to watch it because you like creepy-crawly insects. (A Bug's Life)
109. MV- Moral Value
You will a leason or two from the movie because there's a moral value. (Camp Rock)
110. FML- Festival Movie Lover
You are going to watch it because it has something to do with festivals. (Halloween)
111. AR- Asian Roots
The movie has connection or stays in contact with Asia, (Dance Of The Dragon)
112. I- Iconic
It will be remembered for years to come because the character(s) are iconic (Shrek)
113. RML- Remake Lover
You are going to watch it because you like remakes. (Yours, Mine & Ours)
114. OWL- Ocean Water Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movies that do with the ocean. (Into The Blue)
115. POAT- Part Of A Trilogy
The movie is well, part of a trilogy. (The Transformers)
116. MPTC- More Parts To Come
There are more sequels or prequels to come after the movie. (Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers)
117. ADVL- Adventure Lover
You are going to watch it because you like movies that have adventrous stories. (Inkheart)
118. 3-DL- 3-D Lover
You are going to watch it because you like 3-D movies. (Journey To The Center Of The Earth)
119. SML- Slasher Movie Lover
You are going to watch it because you like to see slashing killers attack and kill lives. (Friday The 13th)
120. DMDL- Dramedy Lover
You are going to watch it because it will make you laugh but it's also a dramedy. (Soul Men)
121. EOAF- End Of A Franchise
It's the last part of a franchise. So audiences will pay to watch the ending of their favorite franchises, hoping it would be a big finale. The chance of another part are slim. (Terminator: Salvation)
122. SEL- Special Effects Lover
You are going to watch it because you like special effects and cool stunts and scenes. (Spiderman)
123. US- Unsure
The movie is confusing because the rating of the movie is not really confirmed. (Mamma Mia!)
124. SOAGMF- Sign Of A Good Movie Future
This movie will assure our movie future is safe and that there's nothing to worry about. (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
125. IADW- It's A Descent Watch
This movie won't be spectacular but it's still a descent watch a.k.a. watchable. (Push)
126. SOTMP- Sign Of The MoviePocalypse
This movie is an example of movies destroying our movie future. (Disaster Movie)
127. FTF- For The Fans
The movie is purely reserved for the fans of the stars in the film. (Michael Jackson's This Is It)
128. OIABM- Once In A Blue Moon
There are very seldom movies like this. Therefore, it should deserve a watch for such a rare kinds of movie. (Michael Jackson's This Is It)
129. OCFD- Obessesive Compulsive Franchise Disorder)
You must watch every single installment of the series to feel right. (The Dark Knight)
130. U- Unmemorable
This movie won't be remembered for it's goodness or badness. It will be forgotten by everybody in a few years time. (Ninja)
Warning Signs
1. Preview reveals no f***ing story. (exp. Bee Movie)
2. Preview reveals no characters. (300)
3. Preview reveals only genre. (Primeval)
4. All the actors are unknown/ No A-List actors. (Cloverfield)
5. Obvious it is going to be a sh** movie. (The Hottie & The Nottie)
6. Same old jokes, explosions or scares. (Prom Night)
7. An actual opponent. (Hancock)
8. No mention of the actor's Oscar nominations or victories. (The Happening)
9. There are more than 2 writers on the script. (The Honeymooners)
10. The actors look like more famous actors. (Cry Wolf)
11. The movie's marketing is f***ed up. (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
12. Sure to get bad reviews before the movie is even released. (Doomsday)
13. Make you ask "What the f*** is going on?". (X-Files 2: I Want To Believe)
14. You didn't laugh once during the preview and it's suppose to be a comedy. (Benchwarmers)
15. The "hottie factor" is all that is being used to attract attention to the movie. (Good Luck Chuck)
16. Iilogical Storyline. (Little Man)
17. When the preview says from the bes-selling writer and not from the best-selling book. (The Lake House)
18. No mention of the director's name and it's a big name director. (Iron Man)
19. "From The Producer Of..." But Who Is That Person? (The Hitcher)
20. It's another sequel but there's no Roman Numeral or number in the movie's title. (Rocky Balboa)
21. No mention of any actors in the marketing and there are A-List actors. (Hellboy 2: The Golden Army)
22. Movie Javu: you feel like you've seen this before and done better. (Doomsday)
23. The preview promotes B-List actors as A-List actors. (Flicka)
24. Promotes itself as the biggest, best or greatest thing.(Disaster Movie)
25. A non-actor acting (The Dukes Of Hazzard)
26. No actors are mentioned in the preview and there are A-List actors. (Garfield 2: Tale Of Two Kitties)
27. It has a title you can't pronounce properly. (Bridge To Terabithia)
28. It doesn't one up the prequels it sequels. (Batman Returns)
29. It's obvious the actors are in it for an easy paycheck. (Stormbreaker)
30. Trying too hard to get Academy Award attention. (Zodiac)
31. It's not better than the shows on T.V. (Dead Silence)
32. It's not only a remake of a sequel , it's also a sequel of a remake. (The Hills Have Eyes 2)
33. You're annoyed by the movie's catch phrase. (X-Files 2: I Want To Believe)
34. It has only 1 A-List actor. (Premonition)
35. A-List Supporting actors given starring roles. (Gone Baby Gone)
36. You're laughing during the preview for all the wrong reasons. (Firehouse Dog)
37. Doesn't mention it's a remake, pretends to be original. (Your's, Mine And Ours)
38. The movie's release date has been delayed many times. (Slow Burn)
39. Obvious Oscar winner/nominee not giving an Oscar worthy perfomance. (Perfect Stranger)
40. From the director of... But who the f*** is he? (Hancock)
41. It's "Inspired by" but it's actually "Based on". (21)
42.It's sending a bad message to the audience. (Meet Dave)
43. When they show the movie's title in the preview, a bad *ss narator reads it out as if we can't read. (Disaster Movie)
44. The only famous person is the producer. (Cloverfield)
45. It is a literally dark film. (Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban)
46. It has more than 2 genres. (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street)
47. You feel sick after watching it. (Cloverfield)
48. Paris Hilton is involved. (House Of Wax)
49. The movie has a bad title. (Hancock)
50. The marketing picture shows scary images and it is not a horror movie. (Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas)
51. It's copying from a video game. (Resident Evil: Extinction)
52. It's a sequel of a bad movie. (Garfiel 2: Tale Of 2 Kitties)
53. It's comparing itself with a great movie. (Poseidon)
54. Larry The Cable Guy is involved. (Witless Protection)
55. You can't relate to the main characters. (The Departed)
56. It has a lot of R rated materials but it's not rated R. (Superhero Movie)
57. Same f***ing format! (Mirrors)
58. You already see bad acting in the preview. (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
59. It is showing the best parts of the movie in the preview. (Friday The 13th)
60. Sex Sells (The Last House On The Left)
61. A movie that thinks it's gonna get nominations, good or bad. (Australia)
62. There's no story! (Jonas Brothers In 3-D)
63. The crew were involved in a big time movie before and now doing sh**. (Jonas Brothers In 3-D)
64. They only reveal 1 character. (Tale Of Desperaux)
65. The story isn't important. (Righteous Kill)
66. The preview's revealed story isn't clear. (He's Just Not That Into You)
67. The genres don't work together! (Slither)
68. The tag line is weird. (I Love You Man)
69. The story is familiar. (Push)
70. The audience is gonna fall asleep. (Monsters v.s. Aliens)
71. It's obvious the producers are out of ideas. (Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs)
72. The actor is trying to redeem himself too hard. (Land Of The Lost)
73. The movie is using 3-D to market itself. (Final Destination 4: 3-D)
74. The actor is playing a wrong role. (The Proposal)
75. The cast doesn't fit. (G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra)
76. You can't tell the genre. (Beyond A Reasonable Doubt)
77. The movie encourages stupidity even if it's not a comedy. (Beyond A Reasonable Doubt)
78. The movie's potential is wasted. (Beyond A Reasonable Doubt)
79. You weren't scared in the preview and it's a horror. (Sorority Row)
2. Preview reveals no characters. (300)
3. Preview reveals only genre. (Primeval)
4. All the actors are unknown/ No A-List actors. (Cloverfield)
5. Obvious it is going to be a sh** movie. (The Hottie & The Nottie)
6. Same old jokes, explosions or scares. (Prom Night)
7. An actual opponent. (Hancock)
8. No mention of the actor's Oscar nominations or victories. (The Happening)
9. There are more than 2 writers on the script. (The Honeymooners)
10. The actors look like more famous actors. (Cry Wolf)
11. The movie's marketing is f***ed up. (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
12. Sure to get bad reviews before the movie is even released. (Doomsday)
13. Make you ask "What the f*** is going on?". (X-Files 2: I Want To Believe)
14. You didn't laugh once during the preview and it's suppose to be a comedy. (Benchwarmers)
15. The "hottie factor" is all that is being used to attract attention to the movie. (Good Luck Chuck)
16. Iilogical Storyline. (Little Man)
17. When the preview says from the bes-selling writer and not from the best-selling book. (The Lake House)
18. No mention of the director's name and it's a big name director. (Iron Man)
19. "From The Producer Of..." But Who Is That Person? (The Hitcher)
20. It's another sequel but there's no Roman Numeral or number in the movie's title. (Rocky Balboa)
21. No mention of any actors in the marketing and there are A-List actors. (Hellboy 2: The Golden Army)
22. Movie Javu: you feel like you've seen this before and done better. (Doomsday)
23. The preview promotes B-List actors as A-List actors. (Flicka)
24. Promotes itself as the biggest, best or greatest thing.(Disaster Movie)
25. A non-actor acting (The Dukes Of Hazzard)
26. No actors are mentioned in the preview and there are A-List actors. (Garfield 2: Tale Of Two Kitties)
27. It has a title you can't pronounce properly. (Bridge To Terabithia)
28. It doesn't one up the prequels it sequels. (Batman Returns)
29. It's obvious the actors are in it for an easy paycheck. (Stormbreaker)
30. Trying too hard to get Academy Award attention. (Zodiac)
31. It's not better than the shows on T.V. (Dead Silence)
32. It's not only a remake of a sequel , it's also a sequel of a remake. (The Hills Have Eyes 2)
33. You're annoyed by the movie's catch phrase. (X-Files 2: I Want To Believe)
34. It has only 1 A-List actor. (Premonition)
35. A-List Supporting actors given starring roles. (Gone Baby Gone)
36. You're laughing during the preview for all the wrong reasons. (Firehouse Dog)
37. Doesn't mention it's a remake, pretends to be original. (Your's, Mine And Ours)
38. The movie's release date has been delayed many times. (Slow Burn)
39. Obvious Oscar winner/nominee not giving an Oscar worthy perfomance. (Perfect Stranger)
40. From the director of... But who the f*** is he? (Hancock)
41. It's "Inspired by" but it's actually "Based on". (21)
42.It's sending a bad message to the audience. (Meet Dave)
43. When they show the movie's title in the preview, a bad *ss narator reads it out as if we can't read. (Disaster Movie)
44. The only famous person is the producer. (Cloverfield)
45. It is a literally dark film. (Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban)
46. It has more than 2 genres. (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street)
47. You feel sick after watching it. (Cloverfield)
48. Paris Hilton is involved. (House Of Wax)
49. The movie has a bad title. (Hancock)
50. The marketing picture shows scary images and it is not a horror movie. (Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas)
51. It's copying from a video game. (Resident Evil: Extinction)
52. It's a sequel of a bad movie. (Garfiel 2: Tale Of 2 Kitties)
53. It's comparing itself with a great movie. (Poseidon)
54. Larry The Cable Guy is involved. (Witless Protection)
55. You can't relate to the main characters. (The Departed)
56. It has a lot of R rated materials but it's not rated R. (Superhero Movie)
57. Same f***ing format! (Mirrors)
58. You already see bad acting in the preview. (Alvin & The Chipmunks)
59. It is showing the best parts of the movie in the preview. (Friday The 13th)
60. Sex Sells (The Last House On The Left)
61. A movie that thinks it's gonna get nominations, good or bad. (Australia)
62. There's no story! (Jonas Brothers In 3-D)
63. The crew were involved in a big time movie before and now doing sh**. (Jonas Brothers In 3-D)
64. They only reveal 1 character. (Tale Of Desperaux)
65. The story isn't important. (Righteous Kill)
66. The preview's revealed story isn't clear. (He's Just Not That Into You)
67. The genres don't work together! (Slither)
68. The tag line is weird. (I Love You Man)
69. The story is familiar. (Push)
70. The audience is gonna fall asleep. (Monsters v.s. Aliens)
71. It's obvious the producers are out of ideas. (Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs)
72. The actor is trying to redeem himself too hard. (Land Of The Lost)
73. The movie is using 3-D to market itself. (Final Destination 4: 3-D)
74. The actor is playing a wrong role. (The Proposal)
75. The cast doesn't fit. (G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra)
76. You can't tell the genre. (Beyond A Reasonable Doubt)
77. The movie encourages stupidity even if it's not a comedy. (Beyond A Reasonable Doubt)
78. The movie's potential is wasted. (Beyond A Reasonable Doubt)
79. You weren't scared in the preview and it's a horror. (Sorority Row)
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