There have been an awful lot of superhero movies coming out lately. But if we look at history,

there are a mixture of good and bad superhero movies. The reason, well these movies are just

made for the money. So that's why it get green lighted because it brings easy profit. If any

producer gets a chance to get easy profit without putting in effort, they jump at the opportunity

and thus, the films above are made. But what makes me confused is why people will even want

to watch these movies when they already know that they are gonna get bad movies. It just

doesn't make any sense. But thank God that not all comic book stories are like that. Some

producers really want to make the fan boys happy and we have these kind of films. These later

group of films make us really think, why couldn't the earlier group put in a little more effort. Was

it that hard to push it a little further like The Dark Knight, X-Men, Spiderman and Superman. If

Christopher Nolan, Tim Burton, Bryan Singer, Sam Raimi and Richard Donner can please the fan

boys. Why is it that the directors of the earlier group of movies can't. In one group, they're trying

to see who earns the most money at the box office. In the other, it's trying to see who beats who

in the Greatest Superhero Movies Of All Time List. So where is Iron Man 2 most likely to fit in.

Most likely, the same group Iron Man was in. Anyone who watched the first movie in 2008 and

or any other time are definitely waiting for Iron Man 2. Get ready for an explosive, action packed and focuses on characters as well movie. To fight the MoviePocalypse, we need hope and this movie has answered our prayers. Let's hope that Columbia Pictures give everyone involved in Iron Man more space to perform in front or behind the camera. The Movie Preview Critic rates Iron Man 2
Worthy of big screen viewing.
Midnight Show
You love action, so you watch it.
Actor Factor
You like comic book adaptations.
You want to watch it because you like superheros.
You are sure that this movie will rock!
Wants Oscar Nominations
More Parts To Come
Sign Of A Good Movie Future
Because of time problems, the end part of every review will be written in the book instead. So I end here. So until next time, remember H-wood gives us more than what we paid for, choose your movies wisely and as always, Long Live Good Movies!
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